Thursday, January 20, 2011

20th January 2011, first post on year of 2011.

First of all, I would like to inform that my post will have little portion of encrypted words due to privacy matters.
So, let's start!
This year and in future hope will be better and promise will not do past habit which appears due to personal need and tempted by surrounding objects! I will not join in any past bad habit situation anymore and will become better.
About my game which had started since last 2 years, on january 2011, this begins with estimation 160 poins and will inform the exact poins by next month.
What is next? Nothing to say....c ya

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mesin Jahit Portable

Akhirnya, pada hari ini Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010, telah ada pemesanan untuk mesin jahit portable merk NewLong tipe NP-7A buatan Jepang. Sang pembaca memesan dengan menghubungi no telp yang telah diberikan.
Ini ada pesanan mesin jahit pertama. Maka, dari itu hari ini juga sedang dipersiapkan untuk pengiriman mesin tersebut. Lokasi pemesan di daerah Sumatra dimana meminta untuk dikirimkan melalui jalur darat dan tentunya ongkos kirim akan lebih murah.

Untuk pemesanan perangkat perangkat lain selain mesin jahit portable, akan saya update lagi soalnya saya harus mencari waktu dan mood serta koordinat yang tepat untuk mengupload alat alat dan mesin mesin yang tersedia supaya memberikan informasi yang sejelas jelasnya.

Thanks Guys for your support.

Hope there are more incoming orders.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mesin Jahit Karung NewLong NP-7A

Bagi para pembaca yang mungkin memerlukan mesin jahit karung goni, ataupun plastik Berikut ada 1 merk rekomendasi khusus yang mungkin bisa dipertimbangkan. Saya rasa sampai saat ini agak sulit mencari yang namanya mesin jahit karung goni atau plastik portable dimana kebanyakan tidak dimasukan detilnya secara online. Berikut saya coba membantu menyelesaikan masalah para pembaca yang sekiranya mencari alat jahit portable ini bisa langsung menghubungi
021 28847858

Kita menjual mesin jahit portable yang digunakan untuk menjahit karung goni ataupun karung plastik dengan spek sebagai berikut:

Spesifikasi :

- Motor listrik

- Roller benang

- Satu set jarum

- Body besi

- Handle mesin

Ada 2 tipe produksi untuk newlong np-7a, dimana ada produk China dan Jepang. Untuk produk China tentu lebih murah dari produk Jepang.

Bagaimana membedakannya?
- Produk Jepang dinamonyo lebih besar dibandingkan produk China.
- Produk Jepang dilengkapi dengan alat anti konslet dimana tidak terdapat pada produk China
- Dari bodynya kelihatan kalau memang produk Jepang lebih bagus.

Silahkan menghubungi nomor diatas apabila rekan rekan sedang mencari mesin jahit karung.

Terima kasih.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

What a Terrible Day!

Today it was difficult and extremely tired. After going through a difficult ridiculous day, starting a new hard new challenge new uneasy day to go. As we need to look everywhere to complete the previous day's action.
Everyone was looking and having the same purpose. So, who is having the alternative ways gonna be a winner. Since we don't have those, we lost again for today. At last, we found a way who is somebody that can help to solve all problem today. But the time has changed till tomorrow morning. Let's see and hope this person is RIGHT and the One can be said as HERO!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Be more spesific on small area

I will be more spesific and focus on small area!
Why does this suddenly emerge?
- I already gave chances to change, in a meanwhile I tried to get another more prospective and better opportunity which could be benefit for future. But....Seems the previous one would be conquered! The opponent seems to be do not care of the chances given.
The opponent seems and feels know everything. But S*CKs!!
- The opponent always modify or change strategy without prior notice cause inconsistency in between soldier.

What should we do?
- Start focusing on small field where we can conquered first. For out of hand knowledge and strategy, get a better captain of batallion so can control that segment.

Once conquered, F*cks away all obstacles!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Have you ever felt that you are a BIG LOSER?

Tonight on 07 June 2010, a day where we should reconfigure, recalculate, rethinkk again what has happened for the last 1,5 months.
We felt that nothing is right. Everyone seems to be the best. When we did anything, everyone did not think of who they faced to but seems only them who are the best. They cannot differentiate who should and should not to, seems lack of sense of communication.
The only thing that appears is jealousy. Everyone can be assumed correct. But how about us? Everyone just like to give instruction seem they remember everything but actually they just stick on the rail. They thought something they know is difficult, but actually the way they interpreted is not solving the case we are asking. Everyone make us down, try giving harder explaination cause noone understand what the heck everyone talking about.
Is that because of everyone really know more about everything? so it hards for us to keep in track with the way everyone is explaining or it just a matter of society problem? the way of communication problem?

huff......make to be better for tomorrow.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Effect of Global Warming, Have we awared on THIS?!

Effect of Global Warming seems to be encountered in Jakarta, and in all other countries. Everywhere is having extreme climate changes. In Jakarta, the weather is very hot which is worse than previous years. This probably due to many engines are running around, and wasting goods are increasing which could be car engines, motorcycle engines, factory machines, plastic bags, and IT Networking equipments.
But, please don't point to each other who cause of global warming. We are allowed to spend much more items specifically that cause global warming. As a return, please, at least do SOMETHING!
For readers that accidentally visit my page here, please help to distribute to anyone.

The following ways can be done easily.
- Don't use/buy from Supermarket/MiniMarket/Traditional Market/Superstore/BookStore or any Market and Store that do not provide eco-friendly bag for carrying our items. Some provide eco-friendly bag but we need to pay for that. What a ridiculous! Imagine, they save how much plastic wasting bag if they provide us eco-friendly bag? Some of them, even, say they are "participating on global warming reduction and preventing environment from being broke by unresponsible people/company" But in reality, they cause global warming indirectly.

- Don't always start your vehicle engines, if you just go nearby, just walk(This is the best way) or use bicycle(It's best if you buy used bicycle, imagine how much it cost the environment to produce a new one?)

- Start planting small little plant in your house or in front of your house.

- For IT People/Company that stated they care for global warming, Hey wake up! please look at your IT Department. Are you using eco-friendly gears? What I meant here like Refurbished networking equipment? Refurbished Servers? Refurbished printers? Refurbished Computers? BIG NO!.
Some thinks of prestige, they just want to have good technology and good image of the company operation by buying a new equipment without considering to buy for REFURBISHED.
Refurbished one is GOOD as well, we care not to produce a new equipment that cost a lot for environment. So, we did re-optimizing all gears to be used as similar to NEW without reducing their performance.

Finally, for readers please pursue your friends or company to do those four solving ways.

Let's start counting from the first reader that join this and let us make a group that making people aware of this.
Group will be started once reader that comments on this reach to 10 people to assure that alot people aware of global warming!